Map to C89.5 / KNHC

Map to C89.5 / KNHC-FM

GPS Coordinates: 47°42’28.9″N 122°17’36.7″W

Google Maps Link:

Our address: 10750 30th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125

Entrance: The East end of Nathan Hale High School, by the parking lot opposite the track and field.

Downloadable directions and map

 Street view of parking lot and entrance to C89.5 studios


C89.5 Parking


A picture of a dog and a cat snuggling together
A graphic image of a generic calendar month. The words "Day Sponsor" are at the top. The days are represented by white dots (without numerical dates). One of the dots has a heart inside.0)
White and red clickable ad for BECU Bank Autoloans

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